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on 10/05/2024 at 12:46
Score : 10/10
Sorry reading comprehension not so good I meant the articals about the Minerva were interesting.

There is a page actually called "Tongan times" that one's not so interesting haha
Not sure if anyone still tends to it but great website Andy.
on 10/05/2024 at 12:34
Score : 9/10
Found this site from a Wikipedia link (Principality of Sealand). The Tongan times article sure was an interesting read! It's great to see a traditional style website amongst today's mess of an internet, no cookies, popups or intrusive ads. Ka pai tō mahi
on 28/04/2024 at 09:45
Score : 10/10
I have long been fascinated my microstates. In anticipation of an upcoming European vacation that may potentially see me check two more of them off of my bucket list—San Marino and Monaco—I was doing some research and fell down an internet rabbit hole… which led to my discovery of the Republic of Minerva… which led to my discovery of this site… which led to my discovery of who runs this site… which led to my mind being absolutely blown at how truly small this world can be. I love this site, and it was great learning more of your pre-Bornean origin story! I hope our paths will cross again in Kuching soon, Andy! And thank you for this moment of humbling wonderment.
on 26/02/2024 at 06:49
Score : -/10
I worked as a cook on the MV Noel Buxton in 1989! I have some great old photos of crew & wondered it Tracy the barmaid is still around to get in contact with? OMG we worked very hard but had so much fun, doing trips from Cairns-Lizard Island-TI-Cape York- Weipa! Captain Jack Ball & 1st Mate Jock were favorites too... I'd love to get in touch with some of you old crew!! I am American but settled in Tasmania.
on 23/01/2024 at 03:14
Score : 10/10
Hi Andy,
Just to let you know your efforts have not been in vain. I was Mate on the ship in 1992, the year it went into receivership. Recognised a few faces in the photos, but haven't got any of my own to contribute.
It's a pity the old girl ended up on the beach, but she sure gave a lot of people, crew & passengers, many fun times.
I still keep in touch with a couple of past engineers and will forward your site to them, to see if they can add anything.
The ship gave me a great experience during my 35 years at sea, and I still think of her when I go down to the the Cairns wharf.
on 07/01/2023 at 00:38
Score : -/10
Not sure whether this is still live as it's 15 years since the last post. My wife and I were on what we still describe as "the cruise from hell", the New Year cruise 1990-91. We checked out the ship in Cairns the morning we were due to sail and saw a rust bucket instead of the shining ship from the brochure.
Because of a cyclone, the Christmas trip had to be cancelled and they squeezed some families (including one absolute shit of a young boy) on to what was supposed to be a "no kids" cruise. Also because of the cyclone, gravel had got into one of the engine cooling intakes and they could only use one engine so our speed was only about 60%, meaning our day at Lizard Island was only a couple of hours. Because of the cyclone/lack of experience amongst the crew, the fresh water for showers etc ran out, we listed and there was no air conditioning - not a good idea on a Cape York trip.
At one stage some of us were snorkelling on one side of the ship while others were using burley to try to catch sharks on the other side.
We had ordered food in a cafe on Thursday Island and were a bit worried about getting back to the ship on time when the Captain and First Mate came in so we thought we would be OK. However, their food was delivered first and it turned out that it was actually ours which they ate. We did make the ship after a few words to them. After our experience, we weren't shocked to hear of the owners attempt to sink the ship for the insurance.
on 21/07/2022 at 18:01
Score : 9/10
Discovered this site while looking into the history of the Scillonian prior to flying over to the Scillies tomorrow from Exeter! Not a good sailor, I remember well the first voyage in August 1970 from Penzance to Hugh Town harbour and throwing up all over a woman wearing a bright pink mackintosh and laughing, even though I felt like death. My mate Jeremy Lake took the ire of the woman as I vanished below to the heads! Once was enough on the Queen. Returned after the holiday on Scillonian 2!
on 26/02/2022 at 12:20
Score : 10/10
Worked as the kitchen hand 92'. Loved the lifestyle and friendship. I lost contact with people over the years so hopefully thos will help reconnect. I'm in one of the photos where we have gone ashore at TI. Hat backwards with yellow framed Oakley sunglasses. I was 18.
on 25/10/2021 at 20:50
Score : -/10
I sailed on The Queen of The Isles from Oct. 89 to March 90 as 2nd Mate. The Skipper was Mike Aston originally from The UK. We sailed from Cairns up to Thursday Island stopping off to watch the sunrise over Cape York. Really it was a fantastic experience.
I loved every minute. We spent Xmas on board ( 1989 and got back to Cairns for New Year 1990.
on 21/10/2020 at 23:42
Score : -/10
Hi, I worked on the MV Noel Buxton for about a year in 1989/90 sailing from Cairns to Thursday Island. We had three different skippers, but the one that kept coming back was Jack Ball. The crew changed, but, for a time there was an English girl named Mandy. After I left, I believe the ship was sold for scrap to the Westpac Bank. She was kind of...unseaworthy. Was anyone else here around at that time?
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