Ship's Log

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on 03/05/2013 at 19:26
Score : -/10

Amaceing this site is still running - must be genuin feelings for the ship.
We - my wife and daughter(6) did the first season sailing in may 1991 to Thursday Island on the Queen. We jumped on our around the world journey in 8 mnds. It was a unique wonderful cruise with a remarkeble crew who took personal interest of our welbeeng. We where only 25 passengers on board - we the 3 Norwegians and 2 from Netherland - the rest aussies. The crew almost outnumberd us - what a threat. One day I found my doughter streering the ship on the bridge sided by the captain. Yhe ships history says she is bulid and saild initially in England. My mysteri is - why did we find signs and markings of sequirity in norwegian languish text on board? I did a lot of video and took a lot of pictures of sites , ship ,crew and passenders - if that is of interest.
Sad to realise the Queen is dead.
on 09/10/2012 at 01:56
Score : 10/10

For some reason I wondered today what had been the destiny of the Queen of the Isles and I found this wonderful site.
I worked for P & A Campbell Limited for 2 seasons (1968 and 1969). Campbells used to run an annual cruise from Cardiff to the Isles of Scilly at Easter each year taking 3 days and stopping overnight in Penzance in both directions.
In 1969 the cruise was run by the Queen of the Isles and I worked behind the bar for the whole cruise. The cruise started on Saturday morning with the Penzance to St Mary's and return leg being on the Sunday. My recollection of the outward journey from Penzance is that I was extremely seasick throughout the crossing and felt most unwell. However I recovered quickly on reaching dry land and spent a pleasant afternoon exploring St Mary's before a much calmer trip back. During the afternoon ashore I saw Jim Callaghan and his wife who were on holiday there. I believe Jim was deputy Prime Minister of the UK at that time and went on to become Prime Minister in the early 1970s.
To this day, this was my one and only trip to the Isles of Scilly. Thank you for bringing the memories back to life.
on 27/04/2012 at 10:20
Score : 10/10

Thank you for this great site: I was trying to date a photo of Queen of the Isles that I have from her Scilly days, and this helped a lot. (My photo is here, if you are interested: )
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Number of messages : 103